3D Game Engine
As a personal project, I've been working on creating a 3D game engine from scratch in C++ using OpenGL to gain a better understanding of computer graphics.
As of writing, the engine has the following features:
- First person character controls
- Axis-aligned bounding box collisions
- Phong shading with multiple light sources
- Three types of light sources: directional, point, and spot lights
- Model loading
- Diffuse and specular maps for texturing
In my free time, I continue to make incremental improvements to it.
Ludum Dare 49
For Ludum Dare 49, I made a 2D puzzle-platformer in Unity which involved:
- Raycasting physics for the player character controller
- A secondary character controlled with the mouse interfacing with the A* Pathfinding Project to control where the character moves
- 2D lighting which allows the secondary character to traverse dark areas
While we weren't able to make polished art and animation or much content, this project was an interesting proof of concept.